Monday, October 29, 2007

Wifi coming to a turtle near you ...

This is your daily dose of wacky news - Using a solar-powered GPS and WiFi, University of Massachusetts researchers have created TurtleNet: the world's first all turtle network. I guess having wireless in the middle of the swamp makes a lot of sense ...

According to, the network is used to track movement patterns of endangered snapping turles, TurtleNet relies upon periodic turtle-to-turtle WiFi relays as turtles pass other turtles. Then, when one of these turtles comes close to the UM base station, all turtle data is uploaded and sent to the lab 15 miles away.

This is a very interesting idea - I can see myself just kicking it on an airboat in the Florida Everglades, checking my myspace profile or tracking auctions on eBay. And to think - I can thank Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo for being able to be online in the middle of the swamp. Sweet!!!!!

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