Tuesday, November 26, 2024

REVIEW: “West Wing” is great political throwback to simpler times

By Willie Jefferson, Jr.


I’VE BEEN A POLITICAL JUNKY since the late 1970s. I voted in grade school during the 1980 election, and watched “The McLaughlin Group” with my dad into my teens.

By the time I voted in my first presidential election, I was an informed voter. I didn’t hate opposing lawmakers; I simply preferred other choices. Yet, the only political sitcom I could recall was “Soap.” I loved it, but the satire only fueled my desire for a TV show that was somewhat realistic.

Entered NBC’s award-winning drama, “The West Wing.” The TV series, which aired in 1999 until 2006, follows the working - and often personal - relationship between the commander in chief - the president, played by Martin Sheen and Jimmy Smits - and his public affairs staff, including his chief of staff.

Warner Brothers recently released, “The West Wing: The Complete Series” October 1st for $139.99 for the Blu Ray edition (DVD version was released in 2006). It contains all seven seasons, including two special episodes (one is a Sept. 11th flavored show that feels like an infomercial about diverse instead of a regular episode and a documentary episode).

The series gave viewers a small glimpse into how the White House handles critical events, political squabbles and even assassination attempts. It seamlessly transitions between characters - from the Oval Office, to the chief of staff, then to the press secretary and then to the mess hall, then back to the Oval. The series kept all the gears and cogs keep humming.

Presentation is much better than the original broadcast resolution (likely 480i).

The series settings include the White House, campaign stops, government buildings. Several settings are outside and bright, but the interior lighting varies between decent and barely passable and muddy.

My review copy is Blu Ray (DVD boxset was released in 2006) and presented on 28 Blu Ray discs. The outer slipcover is made of thick cardboard. The cases have a storage system that is unreliable. Upon initial opening, a few discs slid out of the case. The small amount of glue does not secure the discs. 

Also inside the seasons 1-4 case is a guide to the boxset’s contents.

Synopsis: “The West Wing” is a phenomenon political drama that is a perfect throwback to simpler times, in light of today’s unconventional world of politics. 

The verdict? 9.5 (out of 10) 

The series still shines in this 25th anniversary boxes. The only chinks in this otherwise amazing TV series is the disc storage system. If you can look past this, you’ll have a gem.


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